IMVA joins Eirmersive delegation in Brussels
13th December 2024
Left to Right: Michael Barngrover Head of XR4Europe with Irish delegates: Camille Donegan CEO Eirmersive, Jacinta Moore Creative Advisor IMVA, Ronan O’Boyle Product Lead IMVIZAR, Daithi Magner Founder IMVA, Ciara Tamay, Founder The Immersive Agency and Mark Roddy Programme Manager Eirmersive.
The team at IMVA joined Eirmersive, the representative body for Immersive Technology in Ireland and other Irish delegates at Stereopsia 3 day XR (eXtended Reality) event held at Maison de la Poste, Brussels from the 9th to 12th of December 2024.
Stereopsia, was founded in 2009 by Professor Jacques Verly and Alain Gallez began in Liège, Belgium and at that time was known as 3D Stereo MEDIA. In 2017 the event relocated to Brussels and the event is now a showcase of innovative and strategic developments and innovations in immersive technologies, channelling collaboration, diverse networking and insights into emerging technology, deepening appreciation for contemporary creativity.
Daithi Magner Founder IMVA and Jacinta Moore Creative Advisor / Curator demonstrating Virtual Reality galleries to attendees at the Stereopsia Europe XR showcase in Brussels.
IMVA recently joined Eirmersive as a founding member. Eirmersive launched in 2020 as a collaboration of the grassroots XR industry, with a view to promoting Irish XR. They have produced a series of industry focused reports on the state and growth of Irish XR, through funding from Skillnet. In 2023 they were approached by Creative Ireland to join other representative bodies to consolidate a forum for the implementation of the Digital Creative Industries Roadmap. In 2024 they were incorporated as a CLG and in September opened up for membership.​
Camille Donegan, CEO of Eirmersive, the representative body for Immersive Technology in Ireland speaking at Day 1 of the Stereopsia conference in Brussels.
Stereopsia was Eirmersive’s first delegation for members where CEO Camille Donegan and Programme Manager Mark Roddy delivered talks on Day 1 of the event. Eirmersive was focused on delivering export value to Europe to the delegates who joined them at the Eirmersive sponsored booth. All of the member companies including IMVA, IMVIZAR, The Immersive Agency and TRANSMIXR who participated at Stereopsia this year have said how rewarding the event was, and Eirmersive will be planning to return with a larger delegation in 2025.
Daithi Magner Founder of IMVA demonstrating the FUTUROPIA VR gallery of Irish Art to Maartje Stubbe, Director of FOMU Photography Museum, Antwerp.
Daithi Magner IMVA with Paris based Founder and Director of Art & VR Festival RectoVRso.
Left to Right: Daithi Magner Founder IMVA, Jacinta Moore Creative Advisor IMVA, Rafael Pagès Co-Founder & CEO Volograms, Guillaume Auvray Finance Manager Eirmersive, Camille Donegan CEO Eirmersive, Mark Roddy Programme Manager, Ronan O’Boyle Product Lead IMVIZAR.